Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei

The past weekend, yet more copyright-enforcing politicians lost their jobs. There were elections in Spain and in Bremen, Germany. In particular, Pirates de Catalunya deserves — and gets — some limelight.

Partit Pirata in Catalonia, an area in East Spain around Barcelona, succeeded spectacularly and got two seats on local councils. In particular, the media coverage was very positive —

ABC: “The Pirate Party gets its first seats in Spain. The movement originated in Sweden, where they have representation in the European Parliament. In Germany, the Pirate Party has 50 council seats.”

El Público: “The Pirate Party triples its support in Barcelona.”

El Mundo: “Manoli, the first pirate councilmember: Pirate Party is second largest in the ruling coalition with 11,66% of the votes [in the municipality Sant Fruitós].”

Piratenpartei in Bremen, Germany also achieved a notable milestone this weekend — getting more list votes than the FDP, a party which has about 15% in the German Bundestag (Parliament). This was picked up by Golem, an IT specialized news source. (UPDATE May 28: Piratenpartei Bremen got five seats in Bremen councils.)

The more politicians that lose their jobs over not understanding the importance of information policy, the more we achieve our goal. Well played!

UPDATED: The article originally described Pirates de Catalunya as a subsection of the overall Partido Pirata in Spain. This was a misunderstanding on my part; the Pirate Party is not organized that way in Spain. Pirates de Catalunya is an independent Pirate Party, independently recognized by the Pirate Parties International.

UPDATE 2: I had originally interpreted the news as the Pirate Party getting many votes in Manoli, but Manoli is the name of the person getting elected — Manoli Martín. The municipality in question is named Sant Fruitós. Thanks for the correction, Juan.

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Juan Irache

    Thanks for spreading the good news!

    Le me correct something, Manoli is the name of our first councilor (Manoli Martín), the municipality where she has been elected is “Sant Fruitós”.

    1. Rick Falkvinge

      Thank you! It appears Google Translate leaves some things to be desired, still.

      1. NingúnOtro

        I agree, Google Translate leaves a lot of things to be desired. I’ve been auto-translating a lot of Swedish, Icelandic and German lately, and it shows its imperfection (but bless Google anyway on this, there is nothing better and speedier available for free).

        But as I have checked this time… the faulty logic and content lies in the original. It would have taken Google Translate the status of almighty god to correct that on the fly 😉 .

  2. OblongOrange (@OblongOrange) (@OblongOrange)

    Fantastic! "@Falkvinge: on #infopolicy: Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://goo.gl/fb/qb2gB"

  3. carles (@carles_tm)

    Partit Pirata & Piratenpartei http://t.co/QvFrpSx

  4. nacho blanco (@nachoblanco)

    Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://bit.ly/kWNoAG

  5. Blippe af Leiner (@blippe) (@blippe) (@blippe)

    ♥ Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://j.mp/kEZOwj

  6. Mass. Pirate Party (@masspirates)

    Contrats from us as well! RT @falkvinge: on #infopolicy: Well Played, @partit_pirata and @piratenpartei http://goo.gl/fb/qb2gB

  7. Peter Andersson

    Hi Rick! It’s not really related to this particular post on your blog but here’s something on a tangent to your posts about how traditional money is becoming obsolete on the technical frontier. Apparently this well renowned guy thinks that paying for education is already obsolete on the technical frontier:


    1. Rick Falkvinge

      Interesting. We indeed do live in disruptive times.

  8. Staffan H (@hydrogenlakes)

    Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://pulsene.ws/1JVKO #pirateparty #politics

  9. cvrc

    Did Piratenpartei in Bremen get any council place? I would guess not, because it was not mentioned, but the whole sentence is formed like in an USSR newspaper, highlighting relative success while neglecting the absolute context because it’s not so positive. We should strive for information clarity and accuracy.

    1. suchenwi

      It’s complicated 🙂 The German state of Bremen consists of two cities, Bremen and Bremerhaven. Elections were for both the state parliament (Bürgerschaft) and local assemblies.

      For the Bürgerschaft, a minimum threshold of 5% applies. Piratenpartei got 1.9%, so no seats.

      For local assemblies, the 5% is not required. So in Bremerhaven city council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung), the 2.2% result was sufficient to win one seat.

      Bremen doesn’t have a city council of itself; instead, the subset of Bremen representatives in the Bürgerschaft fill that role (called Stadtbürgerschaft). One level below that, there are 22 districts (Stadtteile), each with an assembly (Beirat).

      Piratenpartei had 8 candidates in 5 districts, and won one seat each in: Mitte, Neustadt, Östliche Vorstadt, Findorff. Together with the Bremerhaven seat, that makes 5. Doesn’t look like much, but it’s the second highest result after local elections in the German state of Hesse (31 seats).. and, in fact, worldwide :^D

  10. WikiLeaksLover (@noh8er)

    "The past weekend, yet more copyright-enforcing politicians lost their jobs." || http://bit.ly/lY49wA #pirates #aharr

  11. alios (alios)

    RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  12. sonnyboy13 (Waldemar Nebolsin)

    RT @alios: RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  13. iLoreene (Lori)

    RT @alios: RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  14. Dr_Psycho (dr_psycho)

    RT @iLoreene: RT @alios: RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  15. hope_74 (Thumay)

    RT @alios: RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  16. KollegeJansen (Jan)

    RT @iLoreene: RT @alios: RT @falkvinge Well Played, Partit Pirata and Piratenpartei http://is.gd/lT7qDN #germany #spain

  17. Rodger van Doorn (@Jolly__Rodger)

    Heave ho, more politicians lost their jobs. 2 seats local council for PP in Catalonia, PP Bremen 5 seats in bundestag http://bit.ly/lpOqeG

    1. suchenwi

      Umm.. correction: Bundestag is the national parliament of Germany, and no Pirate was voted into that yet (we had a member for some months in 2009, who changed party affiliation, Jörg Tauss). The Bremen election was on state and local level, and yes, Piratenpartei was voted in there for five seats. My earlier post has the details.

  18. Is the Pirate Party Serious? - Falkvinge on Infopolicy

    […] week, the Pirate Parties of Catalonia and Germany picked up municipal seats, adding another trophy to the international movement’s cabinet. Pirates have held office in […]

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